A wonderful second day and much learned about design and form. I finished off the second single section book and made the third and final single section, finishing it up with ten minutes to spare!
This is much better than the first half bound book I attempted to make several weeks ago but there are still issues with it. I should have increased the width of the corners by 5mm to compensate for the spine, so they are a bit on the small size. However everything else was even so I'm happy with it.
The third book, also a single section, had a few small problems as well. I placed the centre paper about 1.5 mm too far to the right.
This is much better than the first half bound book I attempted to make several weeks ago but there are still issues with it. I should have increased the width of the corners by 5mm to compensate for the spine, so they are a bit on the small size. However everything else was even so I'm happy with it.
The third book, also a single section, had a few small problems as well. I placed the centre paper about 1.5 mm too far to the right.
However I managed to do it on both sides so it came out even. I dis compensate for the spine this time but because I shifted the over to the right the ends look slightly uneven. It will just take practice. The brick paper was very thin so I had to be careful when cutting it and applying glue. Too much would cause it to ripple, too much force while apply the glue would tear it. I enjoyed the different materials I've been able to use these past two days.
I have dyscalculia (maths dyslexia) which affects my ability to judge distance by eye, and even measuring things is difficult as my brain just scrambles the numbers up. An example is I was to measure a board at 113mm wide so I looked at the ruler and measured 13 cm because apparently it was the same number to me after my brain scrambled everything up. This happens all the time. I'm constantly getting my street address wrong and after 10 years I still cant memories my phone number.
The instructor had a wonderful solution for me. Two rulers and masking tape. By measuring on the section and immediately placing the masking tape on the rulers.
It helps me see it as a shape rather than a set of numbers. I was able to cut a square board by hand for the first time. Although I prefer a board cutter I don't currently have the space for one in my workshop. So this has been an excellent tip!
Everyone was less chatty and more focused on their projects today but you could almost feel the energy and excitement.
Tomorrow we move on to multi section binds. I appreciate how the instructor is having everyone doing the same thing multiple times but just slightly changing the style. It allows you to learn the core process and show you all the design options you can have with it. Now if only I had their stock of materials to play with on a daily basis!
We also learned a bit more on the certification. So once I've applied I have two years to submit several pieces to be judged. This will give me some focus in my workshop!
Bring on day three!
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