Quick and easy knife box (3D printing)

I've just done a long stretch of overtime so I've not had much time for binding.  I did finally order myself a right hand English Paring Knife from J Hewit & Sons Ltd. I needed someway of storing it so I didn't accidently nick myself on the blade and to keep the blade from knocking about and chipping or dulling.

So I quickly whipped up this basic design in Google Sketchup and fired up the 3D Printer and left it for 10 hours.  I realise 10 hours seems to be a lot of time but I made the walls of the box fairly thick so that takes time.

There are four magnets in the little case to close it and I made it as low profile as I could so it doesn't take up room in my tool box if I need to bring it with me to a workshop.

Now I have not been completely idol.  I have managed to fold some paper into sections.  Today I'll try to puncture some hole in them for sewing.
