A couple of posts ago I mentioned I had purchased an A4 Stack Cutter. Well it arrived a few days ago but because of my work schedule I've not had a chance to use it until today.
It was much larger than I thought it was going to be, it is also constructed better than I thought as well. I was thinking more plastic less metal but it is the other way around. Not much force is necessary to cut through a stack of paper and with the help of the moveable file and pressing plate you can securely hold your book block in place. My only complaint is the only ISO A series marking is A4. The rest of the markings are ISO B series. I could not tell from the pictures but I would have prefered one with A4-7 marked on it so I will have to take a permanent marker and do it myself.
I've removed the safety guard to take the picture. You can cut the book block very close to the edge once you get your eye in for the depth to place it out of the Pressing Plate. This paper cutter will save me a lot of time when it comes to trimming the book block. However I still plan on using my finishing press and plough as I like to have the practical knowledge of using traditional equipment.
I don't think I will use this to cut grey board or hardboard. I don't believe it would have an issue cutting them but I'm sure it will dull the blade faster if I use it as a board cutter as well. I will continue using either ruler and utility knife or my Jakar Board Cutter.
That’s on my wish list when I get a bit more room