Long day of sanding! But I'm pretty much done except for a few bits. I was sanding down some rough spots and I noticed that the rust had gotten under the paint so I had to strip most of the paint off so I could get at the rust. The wheel is spinning much more freely but that too still needs some work. I might take the brass brush to it one more time.
I've ordered some Hammerite Kurust and Hammerite Smooth Metal Paint - Dark Green to finish it off. I figured I'd repaint it Dark Green as it was originally, although I had considered painting it a lighter, maybe brighter, colour as my workshop does not have any windows. The Hammerite Kurust will convert rust into a clean surface. I believe it turns black. Then I have to wait three hours before applying the Hammerite Dark Green paint. I know the Dark Green is a Primer, Base Coat, and Top Coat all in one but I want the added assurance that the Kurust will get a chance to convert the surface rust.
Due to rain I won't be able to finish up the last bits until Wednesday as I work the next two days (12 hour shifts) and I won't have much time after work to do anything with it.
I've ordered some Hammerite Kurust and Hammerite Smooth Metal Paint - Dark Green to finish it off. I figured I'd repaint it Dark Green as it was originally, although I had considered painting it a lighter, maybe brighter, colour as my workshop does not have any windows. The Hammerite Kurust will convert rust into a clean surface. I believe it turns black. Then I have to wait three hours before applying the Hammerite Dark Green paint. I know the Dark Green is a Primer, Base Coat, and Top Coat all in one but I want the added assurance that the Kurust will get a chance to convert the surface rust.
Due to rain I won't be able to finish up the last bits until Wednesday as I work the next two days (12 hour shifts) and I won't have much time after work to do anything with it.
The weighted crank is more smooth now and no sharp edges from chipped paint.
The rust had permeated under the paint so I had to strip as much paint off as I could.
Before |
After |
All that rust was under the paint. |
As you can see from the video it is spinning more now. When I recieved it, the press would turn but not spin freely. I will go over it one more time then wash it down, dry it, and prime it.
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