Bookbinding Education

Are you interested in bookbinding but don't know where to start?  Novice, intermediate in skill looking to learn more? Check out these courses. I will add more as I become aware of them or get recommendations for.

Binding re:DEFINED

Green's Books

Oxford Brookes Evening Classes

Shepherds London London courses

Shepherds London Wiltshire courses (London City & Guild Certification available)

The Society of Bookbinders

Can't wait and want to get started?  Check out these YouTube channels (in no particular order)

DAS Bookbinding - More traditional methods to bookbinding. These are easy to follow instructions and one of my favorite channels on YouTube

Sea Lemon - Not traditional but many useful tips for beginners and how to make books if you don't have traditional equipment

Peter Baumgartner - A few good videos to watch

Sage Reynolds - Very informative. I learned how to do slip cases from watching his videos.

Sherif Afifi - Pretty advanced for someone like me, just starting out. Good to watch though!

Other resources

Facebook Pages, search for

  • I am a Bookbinder!
  • We Love End Papers
  • Endbands Endbands Endbands
  • Bookbinding Unbound

I have taken courses/classes/workshops with the following people and I recommend them (in alphabetical order)

Arthur Green
Kate Holland
Mylynn McColl
Ian Ross
Lori Sauer
